Ted Talks- Brave Journalists

In the world, there are many brave people. Someone takes a gun to save people, someone spares no efforts to assist people, and someone writes something for society. I will tell you people who are writing and giving information for society. They are called journalists. In ted talks, the speaker represented investigative journalists as ‘Lone Woleves.’  They keep their information secret from anybody, including their editors and families. In my opinion, I think it is not very good thing. It can be dangerous, and also useless thing. My action can be oppressed by someone, or I can lose everything I have. So, I think it should be done thoroughly, safely, and effectively. It is very dangerous thing, but they did it.  After I listened the speaker’s words several times, I learned that the world is developing because of those people who stake their own life on the job. It is very wonderful, but uncomfortable thing for me. I realizes my incompetence through those ‘brave’ people.


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